Success Stories: Commercial music for Activeark

Hi everyone!

As the amount sound design contests keeps constantly growing it’s definitely time to start introducing interesting cases from AudioDraft. First we are happy to present Activeark, a full-service digital agency, who have used AudioDraft for three different projects already. We had the opportunity to ask André Bardy, Account Manager at Activeark, what was it like to use AudioDraft to get music for a draught beer commercial video.

Hi André. You’re an Account Manager at Activeark. Please tell us briefly what are your daily tasks in the office?

I’m managing accounts and projects, mainly in the digital field. My job is basically to make sure that both my team and the customer is happy.

You needed to get music for a draught beer commercial in just a few weeks. How did you end up using AudioDraft and not a freelancer musician?

AudioDraft seemed like a new and fresh option. Plus it was really easy setting up a competition on your website.

How was it to work with our designer community? How did the designers respond to your feedback and requests?

It was all good. The first contributions came really fast after the competition was set up. We got a few really interesting options within a few days, so there wasn’t really any need to update our request beyond what we had already requested in our brief. I am very satisfied with the results.

Compared to using a single freelancer musician, how did this experience differ from it?

The range of styles and amount of options that we received by using AudioDraft wouldn’t have been possible if we would have used a freelancer.

Did you learn something in the process? Do you have any tips for the future contest holders from your perspective?

I think giving a good brief is the key. If you can provide benchmarks of style & mood and anything else you might be looking for, you will get better suited options to choose from.

You’re absolutely right. Giving good instructions and feedback to the designers helps them a lot and saves your time in the end. Would you like to say something to the AudioDraft followers?

Try it!

Thanks for your time André!

The draught beer contest was held as a sprint contest in the beginning of January 2011. This means that the contest holder can pick the winner at any moment and end the contest. Sprint contests are extremely efficient when you need to get your tune in a very short time.

The draught beer contest got first entries within the first 24 hours and the winning entry was picked after five days.

Here is the final result, enjoy! Winning entry by ADHMusic.

Now that tune definitely makes me want to have a perfectly poured draught beer. AudioDraft team wishes you a nice weekend!

Draught Beer Soundtrack – perfect pint
Create a contest on AudioDraft
Activeark web site

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