AudioDraft MarketPlace is an online shop for high quality custom made audio. It offers the very best and exclusive music with fixed prices for our customers. The tunes are handpicked from the contests on AudioDraft and the selection is carefully gathered to showcase the premium music produced on AudioDraft.
This challenge gives you a unique opportunity to get your music to the AudioDraft MarketPlace! By winning you will be able to get your tune to be listed and sold at the AudioDraft MarketPlace and you will gain reputation on AudioDraft by getting a winner badge on your profile page.
You can find more information about AudioDraft MarketPlace from here:
This is a sprint challenge so the ten (10) winners will be selected on the fly! The challenge will end when all ten winners have been selected.
This MarketPlace Challenge is about creating a campfire tune. The tune must be under one (1) minute long and it should be simple, peaceful and quite minimalistic. Acoustic elements are desired but not necessary, so you are free to use electronic sounds as well.
Check the reference video to get a right mood for this challenge.
NOTE! In this challenge we will select 10 different sound designers as winners and maximum number of entries per designer is limited to 5 (including withdrawn ones as well).