The video is hi-tempo and kind of "rock" so we are open-minded for experimental sound stuff!
Here's one reference clip which has nice music: although it's quite relaxed. Our advert song should be more up-tempo. But I like the _deep_ atmosphere in that song!
I also like the _structure_ end evolution in the entry #3. Although it's just little bit too "light"
NOTE: the video is a draft for preview purposes and it's not the final version. We can't edit the final version before we have the music so don't stick too much to the video! It's there just for giving you a hint of our style. We will change the pictures on the video etc once we get the song so DO NOT CONSIDER THE VIDEO AS FINAL AND DO NOT BUILD THE STRUCTURE OF THE SONG ON TOP OF THAT VIDEO.
Aate Cultural Arena is an open forum and a connecting force for Aalto members interested in audio-visual expression, culture and arts. The mission of the cultural arena is to promote the creativity and open-minded thinking of Aalto students and bring together Aalto members regardless of their study field. The cultural arena offers students opportunities to present their own productions and encourages them to express themselves. The activities of the cultural arena are shaped by the users’ needs and they are primarily produced by volunteers. The main focus is not a spectacular outcome but experimenting, learning and working together.