We need a rocking theme song that should be a 1 minute long looping composition. The music should convey the essence of the Garage: Fresh and inspiring environment for young entrepreneurs.
Make it FUNKY, rocking, uplifting, energetic, cool and rebel. What we have currently in our mind is funky indie rock or electro house :). Other genres are also allowed, but please don't compose slow tempo classical or experimental ambient. No need to sing or write lyrics, but just make a rocking song. Surprise US!
This music will be used for:
* intro for videos
* intro for live presentation
* for podcast
* beginning of speeches
Winning designer will also provide contest holder with separate intro and outro tracks (~ 10 seconds with fade in and fade out transitions).
So what is Aalto Venture Garage?
Aalto Venture Garage is located on Aalto University’s campus near Helsinki. This 700 square meter industry hall is an open work space where entrepreneurs get support from professional coaches and work together to grow their businesses. The objective of the Garage is to help entrepreneurs of the region to meet together and to grow great businesses.